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I've been lurking the boards for a while and figured i would sneak in a few pics from my 20 gal hex enjoy and dont be to harsh thanks. BTW any questions comments or suggestions welcome.


  • tank pictures 019.jpg
    tank pictures 019.jpg
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#6 for some reason the pics of this never come out clear its the best one i have however :roll:


  • tank pictures 027.jpg
    tank pictures 027.jpg
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Why would we be harsh? It looks like a nice tank. How long has it been running?

Any more info about the tank? lighting? filtration? maintenance/additives? It's always interesting to see how other people set up and maintain their tanks.


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Looks great! Glad to see another reefer out there with a hex tank. Please post some specs about your tank like lighting, feeding, inhabitants (theres probably a bunch we can't see in your pics), equipment, etc... Also anychance of posting a pic of the entire setup? Once again, looks great!



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Welcome and thanks for posting. How could we say anything less than awesome! Your red lobo looks like it could not be any happier, its much more spongy and healthy-looking than mine ever was.

Nice to meet you

Brandon M.


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Semi I think everyone will agree your aquascaping and coral vitality deserve a weeks worth of merit! Lets definately use this attractive nano as the next focus thread. marked for focus :idea:


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Wow holy crap I crashed my computer when i get back online I find out my nano is a sticky LMAO Thank you very much for posting it as such you guys are great here .


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I guess I should probably give a little info on the tank huh :D It has been running for about 9 months now.
tank: 20g aga hex
Filtration: consists of 35lbs fiji LR and 50lbs southdown sand.
Circulation: is from a hagen 402 PH and a penguin mini powerfilter carbon only 2 days on 5 days off
Supplements:.3ml kent iodine .3ml kent trace elements every 2 weeks and 1/2 teaspoon kent reactor every week
Water changes: 20% once a month using instant ocean salt mix
Topoff: 1/2g every 4 days regular tapwater with 3 drops dechlorinator
Lighting:consists of 2 65watt 6500K LOA lights and 2 9watt PC actinics retrofitted into a diy hanging canopy lights are 8 inches above the water.
Also with the lights they are scheduled to be changed every 6 months because after that the LOA bulbs become to yellow. Not much of an expense because replacement bulbs are only 11 dollars here.

Inhabitants mainly as you see them pictured.
wellsophyllia (sp?)
green cynirina(sp?)
purple sea whip
bubble coral which started in my main tank 2 years ago as a quarter size piece and is now about 7 inches across when fully expanded.
candy cane coral started with 3 polyps now has about 25 and has been fragged twice 8 polyps once due to necrosis and 10 polyps the second time for a trade.
encrusting briarium
asst ricordia and shrooms
1 coral banded shrimp
1 emerald crab
1 sally light foot crab
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 orange linkia starfish another transplant from my 150g
25 astrea snails
15 blueleg hermits and 5 scarlet hermits
2 3rd generation tank raised miss barred percula clowns
and one rock with green hair algae which i keep but prune regularly for nutrient export.
Well i think that is about it if anyone has any questions comments or suggestions please fire away i'll answer what I can I would post new pics but I'm in the process of shopping for a new camera after the new baby was born so i'll post more when possible again thanks for the kind words.

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