Hi all,
I am trying to design a 25 gallon nano, and I face a number of decisions. First off, it's important that I tell you the center of attention in this tank is to be a Bubble Anemone (Entacmea quadricolor paired up with one or two false Percula Clowns. I haven't researched whether it is alright to have two of the clowns yet. Asside from the above, I plan to have a full cleanup crew, corals (will research compatible specimens later (unless you want to recommend some), and maybe a couple more small fish.
OK - on with the setup....
So far I have a 25 gallon acrylic tank, a hood similar in design to the eclipse, but with PC's. I am thinking about not using the filtration system that takes up the back third of the hood unit, and putting on a hang-on skimmer All, of my past fish only tanks have used overflow boxes and sumps, but I figured on such a small tank, it would be easier to just go with a hangon. I also wasn't thrilled with the idea of an external overflow.
Here are some pics of what I have so far - right now the tank is setup the way the manufacturer designed- filtration and all (minus the filter pads):
I was thinkin about either modifying the back third of the hood, so that the hangons will fit through the back (preferably - to keep a clean looking hood) - or somehow making a new lid for the back 1/3 of the tank and drilling holes in it for the hangon's. Any advice? Anyone have experience with the CPR backpack design skimmer?
I am thinking of fitting one of these on the back (BAK-PAK 2RSM:REEF READY
OR the double skimmer version:
Thoughts on how I could make this work without making a mess of what I have?
BTW- with my current plans, could anyone make recommendations on where to put the activated carbon?
I'm sure more questions will come up as the thread goes on, but I would greatly appreciate all of the experienced help I could get.
[email protected]
AIM: TypeR1558
I am trying to design a 25 gallon nano, and I face a number of decisions. First off, it's important that I tell you the center of attention in this tank is to be a Bubble Anemone (Entacmea quadricolor paired up with one or two false Percula Clowns. I haven't researched whether it is alright to have two of the clowns yet. Asside from the above, I plan to have a full cleanup crew, corals (will research compatible specimens later (unless you want to recommend some), and maybe a couple more small fish.
OK - on with the setup....
So far I have a 25 gallon acrylic tank, a hood similar in design to the eclipse, but with PC's. I am thinking about not using the filtration system that takes up the back third of the hood unit, and putting on a hang-on skimmer All, of my past fish only tanks have used overflow boxes and sumps, but I figured on such a small tank, it would be easier to just go with a hangon. I also wasn't thrilled with the idea of an external overflow.
Here are some pics of what I have so far - right now the tank is setup the way the manufacturer designed- filtration and all (minus the filter pads):
I was thinkin about either modifying the back third of the hood, so that the hangons will fit through the back (preferably - to keep a clean looking hood) - or somehow making a new lid for the back 1/3 of the tank and drilling holes in it for the hangon's. Any advice? Anyone have experience with the CPR backpack design skimmer?
I am thinking of fitting one of these on the back (BAK-PAK 2RSM:REEF READY
OR the double skimmer version:
Thoughts on how I could make this work without making a mess of what I have?
BTW- with my current plans, could anyone make recommendations on where to put the activated carbon?
I'm sure more questions will come up as the thread goes on, but I would greatly appreciate all of the experienced help I could get.
[email protected]
AIM: TypeR1558