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Here is my new nano, its a 10gallon with my own funky plumbing, which i will probably be changing, or at least adding some sort of small sump.

10 Gallon
15# LR
20# LS



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That's pretty cool. The top is sealed, right? That would be ideal for a dottyback or firefish that likes to jump. Your "funky" plumbing will be covered up by your light hood anyway. That looks to be a maxijet, no? Those can actually be plumbed externally with a little DIY plumbing, if you're interested in hiding it outside of the tank.


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The top is somewhat sealed yes. I started out trying to put the pump on the outside and i would still like too, I just couldnt't get it to pickup water.

I was thinking of a firefish or something of the like, but it needs to sit for a good bit and get into the water to the right parameters.


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What I meant by that is you have to drill the tank in order to plumb it...probably not an option anymore. It won't pickup the water unless it's submerged. Anyway, keep us posted on your tank's progress.


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well.. yeah drilling isnt too much of an option at this point. I may just abandon my plumbing and just place the maxijet in there. But, who knows. Right now I am wrestling with the temperature. Its sitting around 82 Degrees. Everything seems to be cool though. I used 5 gallons of tank water from my other tank and 3-4 gallons of freshly mixed salt water to start the tank. I will probably start testing on saturday, after the tank has had a full week to start processing. I know it won't be ready, but at this point I don't see a reason to test it every day. It hasn't even started growing any algea or anything yet.


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82 is an OK temperature. Start to worry when it hits the high 80's.


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Yeah, but I like to keep it a bit cooler. Maybe i will add a sump in the cabinet under the tank...


Bleeding Blue

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I think that you should leave the funky plumbing, if you like it. As long as the return end of the loop is underwater, it should form a syphon, and cancel any head preasure. Besides, I think that it looks kinda cool. You should see my funky plumbing on my eclipse 6. Not to mention Matt's. 8O Out of control.

What are you planning on using to light it? When do we get to see more pics?



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Yeah, those pic's of Matts plumbing are heinous. I was kindof at that point when i was designing it, you should have seen the way I was standing around the sprinkler/pvc/plumbing type area of the locale HD, I was like a fiend.

I will be shooting more pictures of the nano, and of my 29 gallon as well.



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I was thinking of using a 65W PC, or maybe even a 96W PC, not completely sure yet. I want to let this thing age a big before I start stocking it.


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Hey Lantos I'd go with that 96watt powerquad if possible... just my idea because Ive always wanted one for that size tank. Previous or current owners of ten gallon tanks: Did we already discuss these powerquads are oversized, or were they just right> couldnt remember. Thats just a lot of light for this size and would let you create a nice stick forest :)

If you choose to use the plumbing and filter that's fine, and if you choose to skip it and just run the pump in the tank this is also fine IMO

The sealing can be further enhanced with adhesive rubber weatherstripping, but this will also need to be balanced with your lighting and cooling source as well. sealing=major heat buildup!

Looks great, keep the updates coming :)

Brandon M.


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I already notice the heat build-up, but it is staying within nominal levels. I am not really one to put fish in my aquariums, althogh I almost bought a nice purple firefish over the weekend for the 29gal., but most likely not. I feel that I will be using the 96 Watt Powerquad when I am able to afford it. I haven't completely sealed the unit as the plexiglass top seems to fit well, I haven't really noticed any build-up of salt, or salt-creep as it were..

I am looking for a frag of pulsing Xenia (Xenia umbellata?)

Update on Tank conditions
1.025 SG
0 Nitrite
5 Nitrate
<0.5 Ammonia

I notice corraline, and diatom at this time.

I have been doing a weekly 5 gallons WC with water from my established 29 gallon. The tank is about 7 gallons total volume.

..ok enough rambling..


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Here you go.. there are just quick and dirty.


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Yeah thats average brown film that Ive seen on my tanks when they were new, at least its not green! You can also run the lighting a little less until there is a coral demand for it, and maybe this will prevent any green or filamentous algae from getting an early foothold during the cycling.

Its coming along nicely


Bleeding Blue

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My experience is that it will probably get worse before it gets better. At least it is not cyano. The tank seems to be coming along nicely. Did you decide to keep the funky plumbing? Did you decide to seal it completely? Just curious.



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With the algea I have seen it come and go in my other tank, the green stuff my crabs have been taking care of and its almost all gone from the 29gallon.

I am going to keep the plumbing for the time being, I am not sure what I am going to do with it yet.

Most likely I will get rid of it and try to seal the top a bit more.

Its all up in there aire.

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