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I'm very new to this hobby (about 2 weeks) and have really been overwhelmed with the information available (and the options on tank setups). I have thought of getting a tank anywhere from 5 to 100 gal and have decided to keep it fairly small at first. So, here's the big question: What do you recommend for the setup of a 20 gal reef tank?? I've seen sumps and skimmers and people saying use bio filters, others saying never use the bio filters (bio balls)....etc. What I'm looking for is a little guidence on how to start, and I should be able to take it from there.....I love the learning curve with reef tanks, and hopefully will be able to get into the DIY eventually.

thanks for any help offered.


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First off, welcome to :D

You are one step ahead of the game in doing the research before you jump in. Most folks, self included, jumped in way to fast and made costly mistakes along the way.

As for what size tank to start with, the bigger the better. Larger tanks are more forgiving.

If you do go with a twenty gallon tank, you could manage the tank many ways. With Live Rock, a Deep Sand Bed, and regular water changes, you COULD manage this tank without any additional filtration. You would need something to created flow and aeration. A hang on the back filter, like and Aquaclear 300 could serve this purpose. This would be a very inexpensive starter tank.

Now, do you want to know how to fit out a 100G with all the bell and whistles?



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Oh, and one other thing, what are you wanting to keep? That will have an effect on your setup.



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Thanks for the info. I may be able to go up to a 30 gal tank. I am buying a house and have the spot for the tank already (used to be a wetbar in the living room). It's a recessed area, so I'm limited on how big the tank could be. Also, I want to keep the cost down on this tank as it's going to be a learning experience for me. It's already got plumbing under the cabinent, so I may try to rig up a drain that will keep any flooding from hitting the floor. As far as what I want to put in the tank, I haven't really got that far yet.....still trying to get a handle on the hardware. I suppose it will be coral, fish, and a clean up crew. How's that for a generic answer :) I'll probably start with low maintenance livestock, more for their sake than mine.

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