i setup yet another nano today bringing my total to 3. this one is only 1 gallon(my smallest yet) and already i have many things in it. 2 lbs LR 1.5 lbs LS, and 2 blue leg hermits. i have a nightlight bulb for lighting right now until i get a 13 watt PC i have a micro jet water pump hidden in the back and the temp is always between 70-73 F. anything else i need to include? i have some other stuff to add but this is the basic design. my 10 gallon nano has been setup with no LR because i am getting some dwarf seahorses from the florida collector. anything wrong with this? anything i forgot? below is the list of what i plan on doing to complete this tank.
LIGHTING: 1 small 13-watt betta tank clip lights
FILTER: “mignon”
INHABITANTS: 1 “sexy shrimp” 2 blue leg hermit crabs 1 margarita snail 1 nessarious snail
CORALS: very small amount obviously but I want some blue mushrooms, some zoanthids, and 1 yellow gorgonian along with some small cluster duster tube worms, and a frag of red gorgonian, and aiptasia… yes aiptasia
LIGHTING: 1 small 13-watt betta tank clip lights
FILTER: “mignon”
INHABITANTS: 1 “sexy shrimp” 2 blue leg hermit crabs 1 margarita snail 1 nessarious snail
CORALS: very small amount obviously but I want some blue mushrooms, some zoanthids, and 1 yellow gorgonian along with some small cluster duster tube worms, and a frag of red gorgonian, and aiptasia… yes aiptasia