In a 12gal system, what kind of supplements are necessary for optimum coral coral growth? I plan on keeping Xenia, bubble, button polyp, elephant ear mushroom, possibly some smaller mushrooms and leathers. This is all eventually, of course.
On one hand, I have read numerous nano-aquarists who claim that the trace elements provided by Instant Ocean salts coupled with weekly water changes are the only trace element supplementation that the system needs to thrive.
The other school of thought states that small amounts of Kalk and trace mixes are still required for healthy corals, in addition to the regular water changes.
I've been looking for the right answer somewhere in the middle, adding SOLELY Kalk as a supplement/buffer and relying on the Instant Ocean salts to provide trace element restoration.
Any answers or thoughts from someone with more experience is greatly appreciated
On one hand, I have read numerous nano-aquarists who claim that the trace elements provided by Instant Ocean salts coupled with weekly water changes are the only trace element supplementation that the system needs to thrive.
The other school of thought states that small amounts of Kalk and trace mixes are still required for healthy corals, in addition to the regular water changes.
I've been looking for the right answer somewhere in the middle, adding SOLELY Kalk as a supplement/buffer and relying on the Instant Ocean salts to provide trace element restoration.
Any answers or thoughts from someone with more experience is greatly appreciated