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Hey all,
Just got my new lighting rig for my Via Aqua Nano. An Damn man I mean there is a big diffrent in like 5 hours. I had a stock Pink bulb in there that came with the tank, but then guted it an put in a 32watt 50/50 PC in it now BANG. All of my corals are brighter an more Robous they look nice. An for once my tank looks GOOD! :) Even this little peace of zeina that I Thought died an was just a big peace of Mush started to Come back to like in about 6hrs its werid what can cause your tank to do somthin even though its only 32watts :) The ballest I bought is a dual ballest with 2 caps. im gonna buy a true 03 bulb an a Daylight bulb so that the the tank will even be brighter. Ill take a pic of it when i get home from Cisco class.


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That sounds great. We have one particular member here, brandon429, who is a WHIZ with the nanos. He'll be happy to hear of the difference, and he may have some good advice for you whenever you're in need.

I will suggest, however, that you allow your specimens time to adjust to these differences in lighting, especially if they've been under the substandard lighting for more than a few days. Just like terrestrial plants, they can be "burned" if put under too much too quickly. However, if you have seen such a remarkable difference in a few hours, I would say that you're heading in the right direction.

What a difference a day makes, eh?


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Hey all,
Been like a week now an some new stuff is popping up an finally opening LOL im so glad that now all my corals will live. I have a nother cap that I can put another 32PC but I wont do that tell like 6 months when the first light needs to be replaced. I'll be getting 1, 32w 03 attinic an 1, 32w daylight bulb or what ever there called. The cool thing is that its all self contained no Wires nothing :). I have had only one probelm I almost burned down the Hole house the other day when I went to lift the lighting housing/Lid an the bulb came loose on one side an was Arcing started a small fire /smoke an I unpluged it an found the problem an now I know turn the lights off before you take somthin off. My brother was real mad he was talkin about not trustin it an I should put it on a revirse cycle so that im all ways here. but he kooled down after he got backfrom Skiptons in Boston.

Thanks again from all the help u all have supplyed


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SlimJim, can't believe this thread slipped by. I have actually noticed an instant change in some of my corals as well when adding reef-specific lighting. Until I could find an online supplier of 13w pc bulbs that were 50/50, I had to use standard 7700K pcs over the reef aquarium. The corals still thrived, but not as flourescent as normal and the xenia never pulsed. This was white PC bulbs if that makes a difference... Then the day my bulb came in, I installed it and within 30 seconds the xenia went to pulsing and has never let up since.

They say actinics are not necessary to run a reef, but I still think there is some favor in this blue spectrum as this is the only difference I can think of in the two bulbs...technically its not required by algae symbionts but in some cases it appears to please the coral host.

SeaMaiden was kind enough to bump this post a while ago--->normally i keep my eyes open for these kinds of observations Jim 8O

I have owned a Via Aqua before, had one as a planted tank. I liked the clear acrylic light fixtures/stands but sometimes it needs to be supplemented to account for the depth of the tank.


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Hey all,

Its been almost 2-3 months an Im noticin some new stuff I got coral line growing now an probbly twice a week I got to clean my glass on my tank because of the coral line an algea :) its alsume I have a kool Stoney I forget what it name is ill find out when I get home an it seems to be good sept for the tips of the coral where it fell in to the sand bed an layed there for a week but the rest are alsume my zenia are exploding mushrooms are growing "its all good in my HOOD" LOL


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I just bought a Coralife Aqualight full hood. It has a single quad tube 50/50 actinic/10,000K bulb.

It replaced a Lights of America 65W fixture I picked up from Home Depot.

Wow!!! What a difference. This is on a 10 gal glass aquarium I am converting from FOWLR with UGF to a DSB-based nano.

For $100 you can't beat the light. The only real downside is the inability to create variable lighting scenarios. It's all or nothing.


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