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Thanks again for your advise. I have done some work to the tank and have a few pics that I will post tomorrow. :D 8)


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I just added a cherry-head goby to the reefbowl, which will be viewed as either totally irresponsible or somewhat of a pseudo-advancement depending on which side of the fence one views from...it can be siphoned out at water change if it needs to be relocated back to the store.


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He he thats true. The LFS store owner said "Ive been waiting a few years for you to purchase a marine fish from me or at least some kind of aquarium to keep your corals in, I guess today is the day huh?"
The tiny goby specimen acclimated well to the RB and was chomping on small copepods this morning at 7 am. I think he will do well in there, and then there is that daunting task of going back and editing all the references Ive made to not keeping fish in a pico. Hmph, I guess I can at least say "under most circumstances" and leave the references as they are...



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Hey Joey hows it going?

removed for various reasons, had a chance to catch it at water change in my siphon hose so I siphoned it out and gave it to a friend at work before it died inside the rockwork. Still think arthropod degredation would have been the key to processing the animal internally (with little tank stress) but it started to weigh on me, particularly because the fish didn't eat as much as I thought it should.

I was very pleased with the experiment however, mainly because there was sufficient oxygen conservation throughout the day and night cycle. This fish was in the reefbowl for over two weeks. A fish will require certain baseline oxygen demands for a given temperature, and I had hoped the rapid turnover by the airstone under the lid and its turbulence would create enough oxygen exchange to support a delicate fish. Nitrates were a little too elevated for this unexported system but I could do it in a two gallon scott-free :) A fish is a little much for the one gallon reefbowl.


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Well, it didn't exactly fail although this does not appear to work long term (with the same ease of maintenance) as COWI (coral-only w/inverts) in the non-exported pico reef aquarium. I figured if the fish went past a week and all parameters of the water were in check, this is proof of sustainability in the Reefbowl due to the factors of water current, oxygen exchange, and necessary LR surface area to process a slow input of urea into its oxidized compounds.

Joey French

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Yeah, I feel bad about keeping fish in smaller systems, my 20 has a maroon and a neon goby. The goby is so small that I don't feel it is not enough swimming roon for him, but the maroon is so big that if he didn't always hang out in my bubbletip, and never stray more than 2 inches from it, I would feel bad about him being in there. In fact, the reason why I don't have a tank any smaller than a 20 is because I love fishes, especially pairs. I plan to find a mate for both my fishes I have so far, and try to breed them. I don't feel that I would have this possibility in a true nano. By the way, I have a really good frag connection, and my tank has become just about overloaded with sps of all types, to the point I have run out room to put anything else. How do you do it, when you run out of room to put any more corals, resist the urge to set up a larger system!?! Good work so far, always looking forward to your updates!


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I got a real brainstorm today. I am placing a 2/12 gallon tank deep into my sandbed of my 55 gallon. Instant Nano Tank.LOL ah meesed up the post!


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I got a real brainstorm today. I am placing a 2/12 gallon tank deep into my sandbed of my 50 gallon. Instant Nano Tank.LOL...actually I am going to place a pump in it to return the water to my 100 gallon........that will have a hang on overflow.

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