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Recent content by Veronica

  1. V

    Frankie is in the hospital again, this time for a while. His son told me the ballasts has gone...

    Frankie is in the hospital again, this time for a while. His son told me the ballasts has gone bad on his metal halide light and he cannot find another dual ballasts as the company that originally made the light is out of business. He was thinking about upgrading the lights to LED, yet we need...
  2. V

    Hello Mike: I am Frank's sister "fry" WE NEED YOUR HELP

    Hello Mike: I am Frank's sister "fry" WE NEED YOUR HELP
  3. Good LED Lights for 26 Gallon

    I am inquiring on what would be a good LED light system for my 26 gallon Bow front tank. I have 4 fish, some snails and little crabs. Eventually I would like to start some frags. I am considering LED lights as the light I have currently is aiding in an over abundance of green algae growth...
  4. Moving: Fish and Fish Tanks

    I would like opinions on how anyone has moved with their fish and tanks. We will be moving end of March 2013 and have Brackish Water 75 Gallon 55 Gallon 20 Gallon Salt Water 26 Gallon Now, I can move the 26 gallon salt water fairly easy as the other house is under 15 miles from my current...
  5. 20 Long Gallon Stand 30"

    Thank you :-)
  6. 20 Long Gallon Stand 30"

    I will find out if that will work for us. Thank you so very much. I am in Staten Island Often as we both have family that reside there. Thank you and will get back to you.
  7. 20 Long Gallon Stand 30"

    We are located in Rockland County, NY and we are looking for a 30" Long Tank Stand. Anyone selling any? Thanks
  8. Freshwater Fish For Sale or Trade

    One Large Adult Julidochromis Marlieri $ 30.00 Large Austrailian Rainbows Female $ 5.00 each Have Six Assorted Male and Female Boesemani Rainbows $ 6.00 each Have Two (2) Red Empress Protomelas Taeniolatus For Sale $10.00 each One of the Red Empress is now developing its true colors, orange...
  9. For Sale or Trade

    For Sale or Trade Australian Rainbows $ 8.00 each Boesemani Rainbows $ 8.00 each Julidochromis Marlieri $ 35.00 only have one Red Empress Protomelas Taeniolatus $ 10.00 each, have two Brackish water 76 degrees Temp Baby and Fry Neolamprologus Brichardi Daffodils Babies born in June 2012 $ 4.00...
  10. For Sale or Trade

    Rainbows Thank you very much. The rainbows are actually larger than in pics. Pics were shot of the Australian Rainbows a few months ago. The Boesemmani Rainbows are beautiful with much orange and blue in them. The Red Empress Cichlids are still small. Not at their full color yet. I...
  11. For Sale or Trade

    The Australian Rainbows $ 5.00 each If you take all, discount Boesemani Raindow $ 5.00 each, if you take all discount The Julie is $ 35.00 Small Daffodils $ 4.00 each They are still babies We have 3 month old Daff's, 2 Month old Daff's, Newly hatched Fry The Red Empress Cichlids, Pair $...
  12. For Sale or Trade

    Good Morning, We have some Australian Rainbows, Some Boesemani Rainbows, 1-Large Julidochromis Marlieri, 2-Red Empress Protomelas Taeniolatis, baby and fry Neolamprologus Brichardi Daffodils, For Sale or Trade. We are willing to trade for Red Lava Rock, Blue or Red Dry Coral. Location...
  13. Home bred Seahorses for sale

    A few questions for you, are any still available? What temperature is your tank running now? If still available I would like to come next weekend (not this coming) to see them and possibly purchase 2.
  14. Question regarding temperature

    Hello Matthew: Aqua C Remora Protein Skimmer running well. will not worry any longer about temps at 79 and 80 degrees. It just made me crazy to have the tank running at a constant 76 degrees and yesterday up to 81. The AC Unit was running all day. 5 degree change in 8 hours to me was much...
  15. did they stop making 25w heater Jager?

    www.petmountain.com did not pay sales tax, yet you will have to pay shipping if under $ 75.00. Best I can do for ya.
