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Recent content by TrIsTaTe05

  1. 2x Custom Sumps

  2. 2x Custom Sumps

    That one is available
  3. 2x Custom Sumps

    Sorry I can't I can meet you by new Hyde park tomorrow which shouldn't be far from you exit 34 off lie
  4. 2x Custom Sumps

    Large one sold! Small brand new one left .
  5. 2x Custom Sumps

    I would say the brand new one was going to run it on a 150g
  6. 2x Custom Sumps

    Hey everyone I have one sumps one brand new another used made by custom King great condition. 2nd one is smaller: 28L x 16h x 18W brand new paid $350 asking $250 skimmer area 11 1/2 x 12 I'm in Long Island serious buyer please.
  7. Vacation Sucks

    +1 i would get a profilux or a neptune system where you can constantly monitor your tank from a phone or a computer anywhere
  8. Rare--Unusual--Cool!!

    how big are these clams?
  9. Wtb: Yellow torch and orange hammer

    how big do you want them? message me!
  10. red rics,zoas,mh lights for sale..

    they look like red yumas
  11. What's this???

    Scypha sponge good filter feeders reef safe no worries buddy, there alot in my sump and overflows
  12. Generators

    You can do this very cheap actually, i would go to a local electrical store and purchase a 6,8,10 circuit panel depending how many individual circuits you would like to run if we were to lose power. then you would size the generator to what type of load it would be handling, wingo you got my...
  13. Hitch-hiker Starfish!

    i would take it out. those things will def multiply fast
  14. why why why

    Got a oceanic works awesome.
  15. My 40b LPS tank!

    great looking tank!!! nice color, hey by the way what kind of camera you using to take those shots/?
