December 5, 2002.
I'm sitting here stunned and little teary eyed as I try to figure out where 17 years just went??
Funny how life gets you. Back then I had plenty of free time but no money to build my dream tank. Now plenty of money but no free time to build my dream tank.
Last Pics of tanks...
Lately I've seen several members looking into solar leases. I looked into it myself and soon realized that it's pretty much full of crap. I ask anyone who's contemplating a solar lease to please do your research and do not make your decision based on the info of the solar leasing company...
Consider yourself very lucky that you were only hit with stray current. Weather it is 110 or 220v doesn't matter, it only takes 500 milliamps (.5 amp) to kill a person.
Please put me in line for the skimmer and the reactor.
I just need to check that skimmer fits in sump. I'm sure it does, I currently have a big *** euro reef.
Is it possible to add a HOB overflow to a tank that is already drilled?
My 60 cube's overflow sucks. It can only handle about 300 gph, my eheim 1262 is choked about 80% and I'm still getting a surge every 3-5 minutes.
I'm thinking adding a hob to increase flow. any thoughts?