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Recent content by SevTT

  1. Help Please--Water Parameter Issues

    Put the bioballs back in for the moment to kill the ammonia and the nitrite. When they're down to 0, start removing them slowly, a handful or so a day, and continue testing for increasing ammonia or nitrite. The problem with bioballs is that they compose a significant portion of the...
  2. Phosban and carbon

    For long life of the phosban, and to prevent caking, it's -best- to run it in its own reactor. However, you certainly can run it with other media.
  3. chalice help

    It sounds like it was already on its way out when you got it, or could've been damaged in transit or something. The only times I've had corals melt within a day was when they were almost-dead to begin with or I know they ran into bad conditions in transit. ...Then there were the acros that...
  4. What Makes SPS Happy

    There're quite a few distributors that sell frags raised in Zeovit systems. These are often effectively on the verge of bleaching, and often show substantial amounts of quite pale flesh. It's true, though. There should always been a healthy underlying scum of brown zooxanthellae in the...
  5. Acan colony dying!

    There're some coral-eating worms that eat acans. Pull out the colony, examine it, make sure there're no boreholes in the skeleton that might house a worm...
  6. Urchins- will they eat coralline?

    Many urchins do indeed eat coralline. I've observed them in action, both with a diadema urchin and a tuxedo urchin. However, they tend to eat a small patch, move, eat a small patch, move...roaming all over. The tuxedo urchin had only cleared very small spots, not noticeable except when it did...
  7. Summer Heat

    A cheap window AC is your friend. Last year I had it in for a week. This year I've had it in for almost a month. Also, consider investing in a controller system. As the temperature rises, it can turn off lights, turn on fans, or whatever. And if worst comes to worst, most log tank...
  8. iPhone 4

    Oh god, don't do it, at least until they fix it. Everything I've heard about the iphone 4 is that it sucks.
  9. Garden eel

    They're demanding, and from what I've heard, really require a tank for themselves. I'd do a lot more research online into this before considering the purchase.
  10. AEFW and Red Bugs

    If you can treat the whole tank, do that -- but make sure to take your refugium offline if you have one. If not, then you must remove the acropora colonies to a tank where they can be treated and isolated from the main tank. It takes less than a week for red bugs to die off in an acropora-less...
  11. What Brand Of Carbon ESV ECT.

    I like the seachem carbon; it's spherical for max flow through the media and has a very low amount of leachable phosphate. And almost no dust.
  12. over weight kids

    I blame the current paranoia about pedophiles et al stealing children for keeping kids off the streets and out of the fields, playing. Every parent I meet is sure that if they let their little kids wander the neighborhood they'll be snatched. ...Nevermind the fact that the rate of such things...
  13. beach sand

    Don't do it. First off, it's not the right type of sand. You want calcium sand; the stuff around here is silica sand. Second, contaminants. Good lord, there's a lot of various metals laying around. Sand from the ocean beaches on Long Island often contains very high iron levels, and god...
  14. Community Fish for First Timer

    Flasher wrasses are neat, and inoffensive. Ditto rainford's gobies. Yellow-tailed blue damsels are wonderfully colored (and they readily change color from a bright, metallic cyan to a deep, almost blue-black indigo, according to mood) and don't tend to be aggressive -- so long as you get the...
  15. How can I run a sump and a separate fuge?

    Stop being a pansy. ;) In all honesty, drilled tanks are inherently superior to ones with an overflow. I'm serious about this: an overflow is a -huge- failure point, and you're practically guaranteed a flood at some point or another if you use one. A drilled tank with proper plumbing and...
