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Recent content by Mthompson

  1. How long do cleaner shrimps live?

    they both died on the same day? If so, it might be more than just old age....I would look into it a bit more.
  2. fish funnies

    I have a dry sense of humor....no pun intended.
  3. Baby cuttles are smalllllllll

    so, you're saying "food" for thought in another venue? Fair enough.
  4. Baby cuttles are smalllllllll

    Do you think it tastes similar to squid (calamari)?
  5. Hawkfish

    just got the pm - thanks
  6. Hawkfish

    and.....any chance of there being more?
  7. Hawkfish

    What's that guy go for? And any chance there will be more (I'm assuming he is spoken for)?
  8. Baby cuttles are smalllllllll

    Thales - what do you do with the babies? (if you don't sell them to hobbyists)?
  9. Improving diy skimmer operation

    Old doesn't necessarily mean outdated.....the simple counter-current air stone skimmers are some of the most efficient and effective out there. And for around $100 bucks.....who can beat that? Unless your tank is in some kinda fashion contest!
  10. Coralife Super Luft Pump (SL-65) reviews

    I am looking at air pumps for my DYI skimmer. The pump needs to produce air from a wood diffuser up to 5' deep. I think the Coralife SL-65 will work, but I cannot find any reviews. What do you guys think? Or, are there any other pump suggestions? Thanks
  11. Welcome to the new Fish Forum

    Finally, a place for all of us fish-heads to hang out with out being shamed for our fascination with vertebrates (albeit lower vertebrates)! Or.....at the least a place to call home? Thanks for the forum guys, and keep up the good work!
  12. pvc vrs overflow noise

    I still don't understand.....were these actual measurements of some kind? Is there a scale involved? Or is this simply a subjective drawing on your part? (sorry I am a scientist) Thanks,
  13. How the hell does one build a Sump/Refugium?

    I used the calculations to find what the maximum height of the water could be in the sump, then I made it 1 inch lower just to be safe. The flow going through the sump/fuge set-up is not very easy to picture or logically describe. It is easiest to see in action, then its a kinda 'well-duh'...
  14. Sump design?

    remember to lift that last baffle on the right, up off the bottom as X said.....
  15. UF survey about sustainability and the industry

    I will try to get there, I have to be at the catfish 1 session on Sunday (until 4:45 (something about a presentation I am giving at 4:30), but I will try to drop by...especially if it is on Monday.
