Just sold all livestock and now would like to sell my tank set up ? Sold as package, don?t PM me to part out. Ive been in this hobby for a long time ? the key to successful set up is to properly set it up from the get go. That means quality equipment, well-thought plumbing and a quite set-up! So...
Sold as package - great deal for someone.
Live Rock - about 120lbs. Had it for years, phosphate free, plenty of purple coralline, great shapes for aquascaping.
-Yellow butterfly
-Foxface 3.5"
-Juvenile Emperor Angel 3.5"
-regal tang. small
-mated pair of naked clowns.
-cleaner shrimp...
small Russell's Lionfish, just got it few days ago. He is unfortunately actively hunting for my clownfish...i like my clown fish better. Pick up Pleasantville NY 10570..