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Recent content by marrone

  1. Website not working

    Yes, I think there have been some issues that last couple of days.
  2. Calling Peacock Mantis Shrimp Experts

    I had a mantis shrimp, though not as large as the peacock, and it dug its own holes in the sand. Just make sure if you are going to put down rock they're not stack up, as they do dig under them.
  3. For Sale Japanese Rare Neon Weeping Willow,TNC weeping willow

    I'm interested in the weeping willow, please let me know.
  4. Salt Red Sea

    Is this still available?
  5. Salt Red Sea

    PM sent.

    If it's still available I'll take it
  7. Fish Various fish

    You need to list prices.
  8. Biphasic Life Expectancy in Tangs

    There are so many things that happen to fish out in the wild that effect their lifespans and even sizes. I think if you look at lifespans of fish kept at large public aquariums some have very long lives, though they may not get as big, or fully colored as ones in the ocean. I guess the real...
  9. Red Sea 250 leak :(

    The tank is the most important thing, so even through you want to save money, it's best to not skimp on it. As for the stand, you need to look at the cuts in the stand for the overflows, as that is where they would need to match up.
  10. New Arrivals Africa 8/9

    Hi Nelson How large are the lyretail Hogfis? Thanks M
  11. HELP…

    Are you in a house or an apartment building? Is it possible to run a long extension cord into your apartment from another person place or even from the hallway?
  12. Liveaquaria Buyer Beware

    I've had problems also with them sending me the wrong fish, they also have a number of fish in DD label wrong. But, once I sent them a picture they have refund me fairly fast. If you didn't hear from them, then you need to reach out by calling them. It's not the same company as before, so you...
  13. Scammer !!

    He's gone.
