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Recent content by lokitosweetlips

  1. 55 Gallon Lighting Needed

    saw this online and figured u guys would have old lighting for them . http://newyork.craigslist.org/lgi/wan/156742272.html P.S ITS NOT FOR ME JUST WANTED TO HELP THEM AND U GUYS TOO TO MAKE MONEY.

    ill take the 55 gallon tank
  3. new to this reef stuff

    nitrates how do i keep nitrates down in my tank i was testing my tank for nitrates wong for so long my nitrates are at 40 i just did a water change today what else can i do.
  4. Gino The Ginny (lol )

  5. Parting Out Tank! Everything for sale!

    ill take live rock with sand and seio
  6. 26 bow for sale or trade

    lets work a deal but im new to having corals i have a fish only tank and i just got pc lighting so i dont know were to start with frags
  7. Damsel Disapointment

    take out rock that he hides in and stick in a bucket and flush him out with water
  8. power compact 96 watt 36 inchs

    sold thanks guys
  9. 26 bow for sale or trade

    bump still up for sale or trade
  10. power compact 96 watt 36 inchs

    power compact 96 watt 50/50 bulb 36 inchs smart lite asking $100 call me if intrested thanks mike 718-749-6270
  11. 26 bow for sale or trade

    tank is worth 300 new used worth 150 so how many lbs do you want to give me tank is in great condition. plus what type of rock your giving me
  12. 26 bow for sale or trade

    make me an offer or trade me stuff like rocks, protein skimmer,lighting, let me know what you have or how much you want to give me.
  13. swiching tanks

    Im switching my girls tank from a 26bow to a 30 long could i just put all the water from 26 bow and switch it like that or do i got to cycle it again. whats the best thing to do. THANKS GUYS
