Im switching my girls tank from a 26bow to a 30 long could i just put all the water from 26 bow and switch it like that or do i got to cycle it again. whats the best thing to do. THANKS GUYS
if u decide to reuse the water via siphoning it out, definitely dont disturb the sand bed or you'll have a storm of crap and it will cause a spike in pollutants in your water.
When i swtich my tank. I saved most of the water from the previous tank and used on the new tank. Also added a small batch of fresh mix saltwater to the new tank. Didn't even lost any fish or coral due to switching tank. Good luck!
wheni switch tanks i used everything i had in the smallr tank and added new water , it is like doing a water change it , and you dont have to worry about been cycle again
Just siphon as much of the water as you can into something, before taking out or disturbing the sand.
Just have like 10g's of water left for those just in case moments. I've done my share of tank switching and the one thing I'm always short on is water.
First take out coral, then water, then the sand. BTW don't reuse the tank when you take it out of the 26g, that would probably be the worst thing you could do. Get new sand and just use a cup of the old sand to seed the new SB, if you're even going with a sandbed.
the water does not matter much, the important thing is the rock. that's where the bacteria lives. make up the new water in advance and age it it for at least a week, mix it with some of the older water if you like. as long as the temp, and sg are the same, the new water will be fine.
Every time I've switched tanks I get a mini cycle. It goes through the same small algea blooms until the tank and filters break in. Other than that everything's dandy.