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Recent content by LauraH

  1. Xenia

    I think alot depends on the type of Xenia you get. Some seem to be more sensitive than others. Xenia elongata seems to be one of the easiest to keep and can quickly become a problem if not harvested regularly. If kept in check, allowing it to grow over a large rock can make quite a beautiful...
  2. Weekly Discussion - What got you into this?

    I got started when I went to a fish store 11 years ago all set to get a new freshwater setup going. After watching me spend most of my visit admiring the saltwater fish, the owner convinced me that keeping saltwater wasn't as difficult as I had thought it to be. They have long since closed...
  3. Mangroves & Corals/Lighting Advice

    I'm toying with the idea of doing a mangrove/coral tank in a cube tank, maybe a 60gal. What I've read about mangroves indicates that they don't like direct MH too much. For those keeping mangroves and corals together, how are you lighting them. Do you provide a separate, higher light source...
  4. Natural predator wanted!

    Better yet, see if you can trade some of your sand for some new sand from a LFS. Heck, if I lived close to you, I'd buy some of it.
  5. Advice on a 210g purchase.

    Amanda, Wow...That sounds like a great deal if the tank is in good condition. Check for scratches since you will not be getting scratches out of a glass tank. Also, ask about leaks. If he's got it set up currently, then you can tell for yourself. If not, you want to make sure the seams are...
  6. Help me figure out whats wrong with my new frag.

    If it's still progressing, it might be some form of RTN. If it's still progressing the next time you check on it, I would cut off a healthy branch or two just in case the whole colony is consumed by whatever is causing it.
  7. SPS losing tissue. Help needed.

    How high has the temp gotten and for how long? I know you said it's been running high for awhile, but that might be a constant stressor that's contributing to the problem. Do you have any fans in place to help cool the water?
  8. Weekly Discussion - Disaster Plans

    We have a 4000 watt and a 600 watt generator. This allows us to keep water circulation and skimmer pump going with enough juice left over to run the refrigerator (which keep an ice supply going), some lights, some fans, and the TV. I also have 32 gal plastic trash cans full of RO/DI water...
  9. Add another shrimp?

    It wouldn't hurt and you might end up with shrimp larvae as a supplemental food source in the tank.
  10. SPS frqg , Is this dead or alive?

    It looks like there is still some living tissue at the bottom containing zooxanthellae. I would leave it be and see what happens. If the remaining tissue starts to appear healthier, then I would cut away the dead parts and let the coral recover.
  11. what eats diatoms?

    Diatom explosions are almost expected in new tanks and usually go away on their own, though it doesn't hurt to add a few janitorial animals if the tank is properly cycled.
  12. Weekly Dicussion - GFI

    I use them for all tank equipment. I got careless about using them one time when I set up a tank where we didn't already have one installed. To compound the problem, I failed to properly level the tank. Long story short, the tank seal failed and sprung a leak, which found it's way to the...
  13. mushrooms

    The plastic mesh containers marketed for pond plants work well for getting loose mushrooms and other polyps to attack to loose rock. They are reasonably deep while still allowing for good water flow. The mesh is tight enough so that even small polyps won't slip through. They can be found...
  14. Favorite Fish and why???

    I have a whole family of fish that are my favorites. I've always been fond of tangs or surgeonfish of any kind. My fave would have to be the Yellow Tang. Not the most exotic or the rarest, but I've always been fond of their extreme bright coloration. They really catch the eye. They were the...
  15. will my lionfish ever give up the hunt?

    Not until they've all been eaten. Lionfish don't mix well with fish smaller than itself. Adding a large tang won't make a bit of difference as to whether the lionfish will try to eat the others.
