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Staten Island
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I recieved 3 new frags this weekend. Two acroporas and this one millipora. The acros are fine as are all my other corals, mainly monti's.
Tank specs
Temp= 79-82
Salinity= 1.025
Calc= Unknown I ran out of testing solution but like I said all other corals are doing great, I dose Kalk drip method.
No recordable Nitrates or Phosphates
Lighting- 2X250W MH's 10K , 2X 40 W Actinics.
90 gal

The coral thats bleaching from the bottom up is about 10 inches from the surface, and I've had it since Sat.

Could it just be tramatized?
How do I help it?
Thanks in advance.


  • bleach milli.jpg
    bleach milli.jpg
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I've had a few frag mortalities in the last year, and I think their associated with gluing the frag the day I received it. Now I let it acclimate in the tank for a few days befor gluing. Your pic looks like maybe that was the problem. If its holding steady since saturday hopefully that is all the dieback you will have...


Senior Member
Staten Island
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Thanks for the advice. It definatly looks as though the mounting stuff (Aquastick) has irritated it. So know I learned something new, its amazing. So far it has been progessing since I first noticed it yesterday. Hopefully it will stop.
If not how long should I wait before doing something and what should I do?


Senior Member
Staten Island
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Unfortunately its still progressing this morning, its been recomended to me to seal the area of bleaching with superglue gel. So tonight when I get home I'm going to try it. Also unfortunately I don't get home until 8:30pm, I have school after work today.
Anybody have any insights on this?


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If it's still progressing, it might be some form of RTN. If it's still progressing the next time you check on it, I would cut off a healthy branch or two just in case the whole colony is consumed by whatever is causing it.

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