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Recent content by Larry Grenier

  1. Anemone for tomato clown

    I have a pair of tomatos and they love their zenia elongata patch. They're always nuzzled in amonf it's branches. Only problem is that it grows too fast and I have to trim it at-least once a month and they attach me now when I put my hand into the tank :lol:
  2. WAMAS Winter Meeting 1/18/03 (VA, MD, DC, PA, DE, WV, NJ)

    There will be plenty of frag swappng, selling, give-aways too.
  3. HQI vs Mogul base MH

    Ifyou're kinda handy, you can do a 150w HQI DIY for around $220. Go to my clubs page and look at the DIY section.
  4. standpipe problem

    if you mean you're ordering it from Richard Durso, take Dan's suggestion and then e-mail the dimensions to Richard. I had to shorten the T and the elbo on mine to fit in my 75s overflow.
  5. "True Actinic" PC lights?

    Yes it makes a difference. Maybe very subtle but the true actinics make some corals colors show-up better and/or flouresce where the blue-tinted one merely add a little blue to the tank.
  6. "True Actinic" PC lights?

    I've used the True Actinic PCs in the 55w and the 96w size from HelloLights and they look and work great. Not to be confused with the 7100k blue bulbs which are just blue-tinted bulbs. I've had them also.
  7. Replacing PC Lights: 10k vs. 8800k vs. CSL Smartlamps

    It think it'e great for a 55 or a 75, maybe even 90. Got mine used in good shape so it was even a better deal :P
  8. Replacing PC Lights: 10k vs. 8800k vs. CSL Smartlamps

    I have 5 PCs over my tank. Look at my web-page to see what I have. Next time I'll trade the 6700k for a 10000k or another 50/50. If you look at HelloLights web site, you'll see that their actinic bulbs peak at 420. Some are on sale too :wink: I sugest doing a little more research on those...
  9. Will acros do okay under PC's ??

    Just to buck the trend a little... I have 5 96watt PCs over a 75. This is about 6.4 watts per gallon. I have a green slimer ( Acropora yongei) frag and just added a Montipora digitata frag that both are showing growth, good polyp extension and good color. Previously had only softies. I do...
  10. Power Compact DIY

    I would check-out
  11. Just installed my Durso standpipe but now...

    Progressive violin... very kewl 8)
  12. Just installed my Durso standpipe but now...

    Hey Marrowbone thanks for the kudos bt my name is spelled G-r-e-n-i-e-r. It's French, a common name in Canada where my Grandfather is from. Anyway, it's very simple and works fine if you have a long tank (30" or more) sumpfugium 8)
  13. Just installed my Durso standpipe but now...

    Hey Marrowbone; I'm not too worried about detritus collecting in what I'm calling the Sumpfugium. I'm hoping to create a large pod haven down there. If I see it's a problem in the future I'll make adjustments but there seems to be plenty of circulation. Yes, I wanted to minimize the amount of...
  14. Just installed my Durso standpipe but now...

    I already had the water entering the sump and then going through 2 45 degree bends and shooting across the sump. I cut a 45 degree andle at the end of the output (short on top and long on bottom) and lowered the water level so only 2/3s of the pipe in under water and it's fine now. Thanks to...
  15. Just installed my Durso standpipe but now...

    I'm setting-up a 75 oceanic with a corner overflow. I hooked-up my SEN 700 or maybe 750 and the amount of noise was outrageous. I built and installed a Durso standpipe and the flushing noise up-top is gone but the noise where the water enters the sump is still annoying. Sounds like a pot of...
