Larry, I should have said with my last sentance that it probably isnt good to have detritus settling on the bare "glass" at the bottom of the sump, (the way it had been in my setup in the past).
I think your sump, being one big refugium, is the PERFECT place for the junk to settle, (because of the natural substrate, rubble, macroalgae and pods), and while the circulation thru this area should be gentle, it should be fairly substantial... the way i think you've got it.
My plan is to modify my system to be very similar to your setup, except that im going to put the DSB in the Griener

Sumpfugium and leave off the skimmer for a while.
Thanks for the inspiration in design... i wasnt too sure what i was going to do with my sump before ...rofl, or should i put the wet/dry back in to feed nitrates to the macroalgae?! nm
Art, nice work, we always need different plumbing ideas to peruse!