I’m in Westchester and share the same 30-40 tds water. I generally use tap for water changes but still top off w RO. Even 30-40 tds will add up over time if you use it as a top off.
Agree w the others that an RO unit isn’t a huge buy in but depending on space can be a hassle
I’d check reef cleaners. If ur looking to put a full crew in at once that will be the cheapest way and honestly probably the easiest way to find everything. Their “package” has a ton of tiny snails that I can’t tell if they are doing anything but on the whole is a good deal.
Anything that can go wrong eventually will go wrong. Drilling glass is nerve wracking but isn’t that hard w the kits sold to add an overflow to a standard tank. I have never run a HOB overflow but it just didn’t seem worth the trouble so I drilled. Only real downside is you can’t do it if a...
Bait a trap. Take a plastic bottle, cut off the cone of the top of the bottle, flip ove and stick back on. Put some food in and wait. I got a six line out of the back chamber of an AIO like this and a neon dotty back like 5 times.
They don’t seem to be open in the afternoon? I tried twice to go back and today actually called before heading over to confirm they were open which they were. Both times showed up and door was locked nobody there. I called again today after standing outside a locked shop and nobody answered.
No apartment is going to happily have you put 75 gallons of water in a glass box. I think if you ask they will say no.
It’s totally doable if it’s something you want but may be because of the likely moves and hassle of apartment size etc stick to like a 40g as bigger but still small enough...
Going low budget I’m really happy with Nicrew Hyperreef 150. I have had one for like 6 months w great growth and bought another for moving to a bigger tank