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Recent content by John Kh

  1. Reviews on LED Ligths

    You probably get a reasonable point of view :D Wish you all the best with the new fixture... I thought of doing it myself but then I realized that MH and ready to use fixture are easier to install and use :D LOL, since my time is not helping me doing anything else then work, uni and some gym :P...
  2. Start a new reef tank!! How?

    It is on the first floor actually and the tank will be placed next to a bearing wall on a surface area of at least 1.4 M2. But I think the owner was just terrified by the huge size and didn't realize the real proportion. I will take sometime maybe he can forget about the whole issue. Just needs...
  3. Start a new reef tank!! How?

    I didn't get your point?! Can you elaborate!!!Please. Now anyway I had a fight with the owner of my apartment and he is not letting me fill the tank. He is afraid that the building will crash even though the pressure by the big tank is like 900Kg/M2 while the pressure of the current tank is...
  4. Start a new reef tank!! How?

    I have like 5 fish in my current tank, 75G, plus like 50/60Kg of LR. In addition to some slugs, Crabs, Blennies, Gobies, Soft Corals, Hard Corals, and a white bubble tip anemone I guess. I am planning on introducing them when the cycle is over, within like 2 months or so. I do not want to make...
  5. Start a new reef tank!! How?

    Do not worry, it is OK.
  6. Start a new reef tank!! How?

    LOL, Thank you anyway. I already know what to do but I was looking for a more simple way. When I started my first it was OK, not a big success at first but went fine after sometime. Now that I am getting a new tank, I just wanted a simple safe way and some opinions!!! Concerning adding...
  7. Start a new reef tank!! How?

    I do have some LR now and intending to buy more. They are Cured, or let me say Half Cured. I buy them directly from the store where they have been installed in the store's tank!! So I added water and Mix it with Salt and then add the sand and wait for a month!! Do I need to add any fish first to...
  8. Hawk and Wrasse!!

    They are in a small QT of almost 75G :D It used to be my first tank :D And now became a QT for the new fish :D
  9. Start a new reef tank!! How?

    Hello!!! I have a new almost 350G total reef system size that will arrive hopefully the coming Saturday. I need to start it and start it correctly. Can anyone tell me how to do it in easy steps? Like how to cycle the water? And when to place the first fish? Live rocks? Which one goes first? Do...
  10. Hawk and Wrasse!!

    A Yellow Wrasse and a Spotted Hawk
  11. Possible fish combination for a reef tank of 350G

    I do not want WWF in my tank!!! LOL I just want some peaceful combination and a big group of nice stuff wandering peacefully there ;)
  12. Hawk and Wrasse!!

    I recently got a Yellow Wrasse and I install it in my tank. It took him almost 2 days to start coming out and exploring the tank. While he was exploring around, The Spotted Hawk Fish I got start hitting him and bothering him. Is that normal to happen? Hawk Fish doesn't get along with Wrasse?! I...
  13. Possible fish combination for a reef tank of 350G

    Yes, I would like to see some groups moving together!! Maybe Cardinals!!! Or Chromis!! I do not want some very hard to keep species!! I'd rather something Hardy and easy to keep.
  14. Possible fish combination for a reef tank of 350G

    So finally my tank is coming and will be installed the coming Saturday, I hope so!!! I was just wondering and thinking what can I install in there? Can anyone give me an idea what I install in a approximate 350Gallong tank?! I would like to see a group of fish all together, like 6 or 7 or...
  15. Combine refuge & sump in one or seperate them?

    That's a nice idea actually :D
