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John Kh

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I recently got a Yellow Wrasse and I install it in my tank. It took him almost 2 days to start coming out and exploring the tank. While he was exploring around, The Spotted Hawk Fish I got start hitting him and bothering him. Is that normal to happen? Hawk Fish doesn't get along with Wrasse?! I mean he was beeting him like crazy and following him everywhere. He was almost wrestling him!!


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Hawk fish can be real bastards.

Hard to tell what the outcome might be.


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If it's a Halichoeres, frankly, I'm surprised the hawkfish got the upper fin. :lol: They're in that massive 350g tank, right? If so, they'll settle their differences, but I'd also want to start getting more fish in there soon (with an appropriate amount of time between for cycling). If for no other reason than to give them something more to worry about than each other.

John Kh

Experienced Reefer
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They are in a small QT of almost 75G :D It used to be my first tank :D And now became a QT for the new fish :D

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