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Recent content by guri

  1. Chaeto macroalgae light

    What kind of light for sump. I had Chaeto for 10 years in my sump and all of them are gone. I think because of the light I changed like 6 months ago. What kind of light do you recommend? Here are my tank pics. Thanks guys
  2. polyps for free see pics

    want to free up some space (polyps at the bottom on the sand ) see pics
  3. for trade Gorgonian and Green Star Polyps Brooklyn 11214

    for trade Gorgonian and Green Star Polyps Gorgonian will be fresh cut like 5 inches multy branch Green Star Polyps size is foot and a half in length and 7 to 10 inches wide. Have small pieces also.Have small Red-Bubble-tip anemone several and other polips. tring to trade for fish gobbies or...
  4. For Sale Equipment part 1, iDIP and ATI DUMONT NJ 07628

    any pics for light,description?
  5. Looking for Chaeto

    hi you want some corals?
  6. RBTA (anemones) florescent green star long polyps (for trade only)

    you can get something from the store. im looking something from LPS corals ...... what you want to get?
  7. RBTA (anemones) florescent green star long polyps (for trade only)

    RBTA (anemones ) they are attached to the rocks so i can't remove them coming with rocks and polyps 1) one has two RBTA 10'-12' 2) has one also big 10'-12' 3) one has three around 5' star long hair polyps one branching rock and other not branching florescent green star long hair polyps size...
