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Recent content by ducati335i

  1. Fish Mustard Tang and Purple Tang FOR SALE

    Hey, I pm’s u for pics.. not sure if I need to download the app cause I’m not even seeing where my pms are going
  2. Rainbow Acan colony’s for sale

  3. For Sale 3” Purple Tang SOLD

    Always great fish from you! GL
  4. Lantheum chloride dosing/maintenance

    Oh wow, thanks for the feedback! I’m currently doing 3 drops hopefully won’t be a problem. I will search it up
  5. Lantheum chloride dosing/maintenance

    Oh man! Permanently? I have starfire Doing minimal hopefully
  6. Lantheum chloride dosing/maintenance

    So far ok. Lost some coral but not sure if I crashed phosphates too harshly or my lack of wc to replenish nutrients. I’m sticking to 3 drops daily, all Levels the same, and will give at least a month before changing protocol. I will be changing 20/30 gallons weekly, just to see how corals react
  7. Anyone have a drag racing hobby like I do?

    I’m not sure that’s a sleeper w those tires lol. I don’t drag race but I have a r35 fbo and been waiting on turbo upgrade. 800 hp n done.
  8. Lantheum chloride dosing/maintenance

    I did very slow at first as well, many use the same method as you. Do You think long term Use is ok? I posted on another site as well and nothing concrete. I’m down to 3 drops slowly bringing phosphates to a little over .2 or about that.
  9. Lantheum chloride dosing/maintenance

    I’m daily dosing… got rid of gfo. Hopefully this works out somehow … I can’t get over how powerful it is. 4 drops a day now for a bit
  10. Lantheum chloride dosing/maintenance

    Update. I did a 20 gallon wc on 550 gallons. All levels are perfect . Except for phosphates.. not even .1… after a week of testing. I feed two large nori sheets, flake, mysis. I’m moving to now 4 drops a day of LC as some sps and chalice have become pale. This stuff is crazy, be very careful...
  11. Lantheum chloride dosing/maintenance

    How often?
  12. Coral Coral for sale

    I need to come by soon. Just waiting for my LC protocol to be G2g
  13. For Trade Toadstool

    I believe you need to post prices
  14. Lantheum chloride dosing/maintenance

    So I have reached my desired level and maintaining at 5 drops a day. I keep testing an I’m staying at .25 or almost .. This a good method? If I see it get darker I can add 6 drops a day..
  15. Lantheum chloride dosing/maintenance

    I use phosphate rx but I would do a lot of reading before using. It’s a l ot to explain and I really think people over complicate it, nopox is good for nitrates I use a home made one I make. Gfo worked well for me but this is much easier as long as I se everything growing well and use minimal...
