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Recent content by DaveR

  1. Need help with ecosytem setup

    ynot - Yep, I have the Ecosystems 2410 sump. It was a tight fit under the stand (the tank is 36x18x20 I believe), but everything worked out great. One thing I learned was to have the discharge pipe from under the tank (from the overflow) dump the water above and on to the bioballs...
  2. Need help with ecosytem setup

    ynot - I am currently running a 65 gallon with Ecosystem filtration. It is truly an excellent system. My All-Glass tank with built in overflow uses a DSB as well. I much prefer having all the microfauna in my tank to having any convenience with cleaning the tank periodically. I use a...
  3. What is the longest lasting reef tank you've seen?

    I was reading some back issues of FAMA from the early 90s recently and saw the ads for Turbos from Algae Solutions. I was wondering what happened to them (I was out of the hobby from 1995-2000). Too bad - Dave
  4. Snails

    Picked up 25+ Nassarius snails from SeaLifes MO and they are just awesome scavengers (not much for algae though). The minute any food hits the water, they come flying up from under the sand. They keep everything very clean. SeaLifes MO website: http://www.sealifes.com/Index.html - Dave
  5. 65 Gallon Reef in MetroDetroit

    oops! Looks like the last 2 photos didn't make it. Here they are:
  6. 65 Gallon Reef in MetroDetroit

    Hello - Thought I would post how things look for my 65 gallon reef, started in February 2001. Bear with the photos, JPEG was all I had to work with The specs are as follows: HARDWARE -65 gallon AllGlass Aquarium with overflow -Ecosystem Filtration (sump, caulerpa and yes... miracle mud)...
