Sorry for your loss. I had a Kole tang that got along great with all the over fish that I lost. I will be using a QT from now on.
I wouldn't treat a Display Tank with Copper. Many people say it can stay in the plastics and silicone and can leach out later. I think it's safer to have a QT tank...
I havent heard that. so will need to do my homeowner on blennys and copper..
I had the same fish for over 3 years with no problems and introduced a tail spot blenny without quarantining. A few weeks later I had an outbreak of ich. So I suspect the Blenny brought it in. However he...
Agreed, you need to treat ALL the fish. Even if you don't see it, your yellow spot can still carry it.
The inverts and corals in your tank can't host the ich. With all the fish out of the tank, the ich will starve to death over time. Opinions vary from 1 month to 2 months...
Slight ocean smell and whiffs of the skimmate when working on the tank, but not much beyond a foot away. House guest have never mentioned anything.
Yes to bad smells from dead coral/Fish.
My dog has never paid any attention to the tank, good or bad smells.
Looks like Hair Algae.
Can't really tell from your picture, but there's actually a pest referred to as 'Red bugs'....