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Recent content by CHEMCHEF

  1. Been lurking Lately.

  2. Glass frag plugs

    Did I mention they're free!!
  3. Glass frag plugs

    Bump. Nobody wants to bling up their reef!
  4. Glass frag plugs

  5. Glass frag plugs

    They look like this.
  6. Glass frag plugs

    These are actually glass corks from German wine. They will work well as frag plugs. I have about 15 of them. If you are on my friends list. You can have them I will not. Deliver Meet up with you. Pay you 10 dollars to take them off my hands. Trade you for magic beans. Or Deal with anyone...
  7. 24 x 24 x 20 rimless cube, tunze + other equipment and Live Stock for sale

    Back from the dead- Bump! Great seller. Great deal.
  8. Now that it's final.

    Candy Land is a state of mind. ;)
  9. Mp10wes

    Good price. Glws
  10. FS. Rimless 24x24x20. 50 gal cube

    Tank, stand, sump, skimmer & return pump pending
  11. Now that it's final.

    No selling everything. If you can make it out Monday or Tuesday you are welcome to those 2 clowns.
  12. FS. Rimless 24x24x20. 50 gal cube

    Buyer called to confirm and never showed up. Tank stand sump skimmer and return pump back up for sale.
  13. FS. Rimless 24x24x20. 50 gal cube

    Tank, stand, skimmer and sump pending to Inneed. I will list everything else's prices later.
