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  • Brian,

    Can meet you tomorrow night. Would you be willing to meet by JFK?
    Cell number is 917. 705 4662

    Let me know
    $349.99--- list
    -$52.49---- discount
    $297.49--- sub
    $20.00--- shipping
    $317.49- Finished price

    You will also get a 10% credit back in store on livestock

    Our deliveries have already arrived for week.. We would bring one in our our next weeks shipment , we do not have any in stock. We receive Wednesday and can ship same day. You would have the following day I would assume.

    If you want to place order send me

    full name

    Thank you

    I'll let you know when the wrasses come in. I've heard from a few people that they've used
    long-nose butterfly fish for that problem.
    Someone seems to be very interested in it and asked to meet. I will let you know if it falls through.

    Thank you
    I have a tank for ur bud w the freshwater. It's a 45 not drilled w stand and single light. 3' by2' high 1' deep. Comes w hardly used Fluval 306. Looking for 200.
    Yo its rob my boy shiva said u picked up some tanks from him i got that big ass tank 190 gallon staarphire i want to get rid of
    I wanna thank you for holding the pump for me and delivering it also...Thank you for a great pump!!!Jay
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