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Recent content by bjoiner

  1. Do I need fans?

    I found the problem - It was one of the heaters. When I got home the other day the temperature was reading 80F and one of my heaters was ON!! Something is going a little screwy with the thermostat on one of my heaters. It apparently has been turning itself on and off at random without regard...
  2. Do I need fans?

    Thanks to both of you for the quick responses. @Len Thanks for the heads up. I thought about the extra heat, but didn't even consider the extra humidity. I don't think it should be a huge problem as the tank is in the dinning room/living room area which is pretty spacious, and we do use the...
  3. Do I need fans?

    I have a 55 gallon aquarium that's just about done cycling. I'm running 2x96W PC's. But I'm having a very difficult time keeping the temperature down. Right now it's running close to 90F. (No fish yet - don't worry). I've tried most of the common tricks for keeping the tank cool, including...
  4. Are "dead spots" really a problem?

    First of all, thanks everybody for their help. I'm getting very excited about getting into this hobby. Some more questions though. I've heard it said that you should have just the right amount of live rock in your tank. Too little and the bacteria can't keep up with the bioload, too much and...
  5. How much can you safely restrict a water pump's flow?

    Thanks Wazzel. Now I just need to come up with the money for the chiller. :-)
  6. How much can you safely restrict a water pump's flow?

    I believe the intake and output were both 1" diameter
  7. First Reef - Questions

    I'll definitely check out frags.org. The problem is that I get home from work pretty late - past any delivery time. So I need to make sure I can get something delivered over the weekend if I go that route. Well, in the past I would use my RO/DI and fill two trash cans full of water - one...
  8. First Reef - Questions

    He gets new stuff in all the time (the deal is ongoing). Mostly smaller stuff, mushrooms, zoos, brains. I just double checked on his site and it's only 9 for 200 - still a pretty good deal it sounds like. What kind of salt do you use? I was measuring my PH and Calcium last year when I first...
  9. How much can you safely restrict a water pump's flow?

    It doesn't look like it's going to be a problem if I go with the bigger chiller. I was reading on the pump box that at 2' the pump's flow drops to about 1300. Add another bend in the pipe and it should be well under the chiller's max. I'm still debating if the chiller is worth it. They...
  10. First Reef - Questions

    My tank is just about done cycling. Very trace amounts of Nitrite left - probablly another week ought to do it. It's really my first time setting up a reef tank. I've had FOWLRs before but no corals. So here comes the questions: 1. How often do you change out the lights? I am running 96W...
  11. Don't know what I have to buy for my ZeroEdge Aquarium sump.

    I've heard it said you can never have too much skimming. Is this not true? (I'm not being sarcastic - just curious.)
  12. How much can you safely restrict a water pump's flow?

    I have a "Rainbow Lifeguard Quiet One 6000" external pump that I would like to use on a new chiller for my tank. The pump is rated at a little over 1500 gallons per hour. I'm debating between a couple of chillers, one that has a max flow rate of 1300 gph and another that has a max of 960. I...
  13. AquaC Remora Rio 1400 and prefilter box issues

    I called the store where I bought the skimmer. The guy said that I needed to remove the grill off of the pump. Makes sense, but would've been nice if they said that in the manual.
  14. AquaC Remora Rio 1400 and prefilter box issues

    I just purchased an aquac remora skimmer and one of the pre filter boxes but for the life of me can not figure out how the pump (Rio 1400) is supposed to fit inside. The box is just big enough for the pump if it weren't for the cord. I tried turning the pump sideways with the output facing...
