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Recent content by BILBO913

  1. 90 gallon rr complete setup with lots of extras

    500.00 make offers
  2. 90 gallon rr complete setup with lots of extras

    Price drop $600.
  3. 90 gallon rr complete setup with lots of extras

    Price drop. $700.00 obo
  4. 90 gallon rr complete setup with lots of extras

    Also forgot reefkeeper lite controller
  5. 90 gallon rr complete setup with lots of extras

    hello everyone selling a complete setup. 90 gallon all glass aquariums reef ready. 2 mp10's custom king sump 2 elos led lights reef octopus skimmer 2 reactors 3 clown a pink spot goby live rock and misc coral. also comes with 5 stage ro unit 1/6 hp chiller esv salt mix an 8 bulb t5 light...
  6. Best stores in NJ?

    It's out of the way but fin city aquatics in sparta has some really nice stuff. really good prices too!
  7. Please help find a home

    What a pretty girl,to bad my male wouldnt get along with her :(. good luck with the rehoming.
  8. Deep blue 75 rimless

    Wow nice setup
  9. Qt setup questions.

    what brand copper are you using?
  10. Qt setup questions.

    keep a close watch on the copper level to low wont prove anything to high can become fatal. also try putting in a larger piece of pvc pipe thats been cut in half so inhabitants have a place to hide
  11. Bry17nyc's 90 gallon

    Nice setup
