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Recent content by 212jay

  1. Happy birthday kris

    Happy B-day Kris!!!
  2. flat worms

    I used a spotted mandarin and a six line.
  3. Seahorse & Pipefish Haven

    The tank and colors are amazing!
  4. Do you keep MYSID OPOSSUM

    I must be lucky. I must have 100's in my fuge and have no idea how they got there. One thing I've noticed is that the number of pods in my fuge has dropped.
  5. Transporting Live Rock

    You should be fine if you keep a wet towel on them. I transported mine just over 10 hours and had very little die off, I was lucky. Good luck
  6. Merry Christmas Mr!!!!!!!!

    Merry X-mas everyone
  7. Go-go dancer rickshaw.

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss NY..... LMAO
  8. I'm a proud father

    :theyareon "DVS"?!?!?!?!? LOL CONGRATS!!!!! :approve:
  9. Pics of an unwanted house guest

    Looks like he ate good that night. lol Cool pics! Good luck.... I don't think a garage door will keep him out.
  10. New addition:)

    :bigeyes2: amazing
  11. Just finished my new 36 corner REEF

    I say go for it LOL
  12. put on HOB filter

    mess???? I told ya you had to keep an eye on it. LOL
  13. put on HOB filter

  14. Just finished my new 36 corner REEF

    I'm as confused as you are. :confused:
  15. Just finished my new 36 corner REEF

    LMAO that is a great pic. The tank looks great.
