I remember and belonged to the Brooklyn aquarium society years ago. After sandy, I'm sure They have a new conference or assembly room they can let us use. I'd go and inquire but I'm not a good talker ....we need a friend with a connection at the aquarium or someone who can step up on our behalf and negotiate. I can also check into Floyd Bennett field in either the aviator or Ryan Center. They have big rooms in there and I'm good friends with parks department. Just an Idea now that I think about it, I'm going to see what strings need to be pulled at FB for now. If something starts to work I'll get a hold of Josh or Randy!
The Brooklyn Aquarium Society is very much alive and they continue to meet in the Education Hall Building each month.
The BAS leans more towards Freshwater than saltwater and they have a rather large membership including many families so the kids - who do attend the meetings - will hopefully enter the hobby going forward. At their monthly auctions they sometimes have donated SW fish and a few corals (any time I've been there the corals have mostly been Kenya trees and such.) Their meetings are on the 2nd Friday night of the month. They do have Todd Gardner speaking at their April 14th meeting. You can check their schedule of events at BASNY.org I know the President of the club quite well.
The only true Saltwater Club anywhere around here is LIRA (Long Island Reef Association) They have a link up there at the top of our page under 'Club'. They have monthly meetings and are an actual club (as in you pay a small fee to join like all of these other clubs that I've mentioned) They hold their meetings in Commack each month. The announce on here who their speakers are each month - so watch for those announcements.
Greater City Aquarium Club is also mainly FW - they meet at the Queens Botanical Gardens monthly except during Jan/Feb as it's too cold to transport fish.
There are 2 other clubs on LI that are also geared toward FW but sometimes have SW geared speakers. They are LIAS (Long Island Aquarium Society) and they meet in Stonybrook on the 2nd Friday of the month, LIASonline.org.
There is again, another mainly FW club in Rockville Centre that meets at Molloy College on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and that is the Nassau County Aquarium Society NCAS.org. Once or twice per year they will have a presentation related to SW.
Both of these last 2 clubs do not meet in July/August.
As a group MR has hosted a few 'true' swaps between members as a couple of different places in Manhattan & Queens. Perhaps we can look into holding another get together in the near future if there is enough interest.