Hi. I am moving to a house that has a cesspool. How does that work with fish tanks. I have flushed so much crap dowm my house that has a sewer with no issue. Wondering if cesspools cause an issue.
really depends on age. Knock on wood I have had no issues. I do however run a line outside for my RO water in non freezing months, and water changes down the drain unless Its spring summer I run a hose to bottom of my driveway.
Thanks. I see you live in Huntington, that is where I may be moving too!!! Me and my 180 gallon reef. Wifey said I should just get a 300 gallon when I move....
you have to watch what you put in a septic tank/cesspool.
you don't want to over load it with too much water or chemicals. i have a septic, my ro waste goes out side all year. so do water changes.
a septic is like your tank its full of bacteria that breaks solids down to a liquid so the dirt absorbes it. thats why you have to watch what goes in their. if you kill the bacteria you will have problems down the road.