Look at how plump the tentacles are.
Is this indicative of the coral not getting enough light therefore it is expanding it's cell size??
I know some people term it "reaching" for light when acans and zoas etc seem to grow stretching up.
This is an octospawn.
The other euphyllia and lps do it as well.
on one hand i'm worried the cell expansion means it isnt getting enough light.
However, some corals are lighter in color than the tank I got it from.
For instance this torch on the back right had a darker body, you'd say blackish, in Richie's tank but not it is much lighter in mine. Would that be too much light?
I mean, i have an rbta that got bleached and stays on the underside of a rock when the lights are on, but comes out when the lights are OUT!:
Is this indicative of the coral not getting enough light therefore it is expanding it's cell size??
I know some people term it "reaching" for light when acans and zoas etc seem to grow stretching up.
This is an octospawn.
The other euphyllia and lps do it as well.
on one hand i'm worried the cell expansion means it isnt getting enough light.
However, some corals are lighter in color than the tank I got it from.
For instance this torch on the back right had a darker body, you'd say blackish, in Richie's tank but not it is much lighter in mine. Would that be too much light?
I mean, i have an rbta that got bleached and stays on the underside of a rock when the lights are on, but comes out when the lights are OUT!: