My wife has a tank its a biocube 8 waiting on getting a 70watt halide on there not much in there right now(honestly I hate the thing) lol My tank is a 20 long bare bottom with a current 150watt halide, 2 koralias, HOB refugium which houses the heater, aquaticlife skimmer, and small power filter for mechanical. I have a mix of zoo's, some ricordeas, a few montis, 2 plates, and leptastrea. I did have 2 clams but peppermint shrimp killed both OVERNIGHT. One of those clams was 3 years old so that was upsetting. Theres an occelaris clown and a trimma sp. nano goby also. Currently I'm having a problem with red slime. I'm basically out of options regarding that but I remember reading somewhere there is a bacteria or something along those lines that with time will get rid of it?