Very well said duke. I have never been there so I can't give my opinion on the store but I can say that the corals from pet warehouse are top notch and there system and care speaks for itself.There are very few places that can keep Sps as colorfull as when they get them after couple weeks, pet warehouse does.
just make sure you dip and then dip again and cut the bases off of them maricultured cheepy's lol or you will be spending more money than its worth trying to get rid of the flatworm and red bugs ,and a year from now you will be wondering if it's even worth your time posting on the same type of thread to try convince so
for me i would never step foot back in max reef.
that's why it's so good that everybody has his own opinion and should go and shop where ever they like. Say your opinion and reason. Every store will have something better than next . One place might be better in fish and the other in coral. I would say the stores mention about have they steady customers. So basiclly we all have our strong feelings about our favorite lfs. Maybe lfs will improve with all the talk of lately. But for fish talking max reefs out does ever store. Sorry but that's the truth. Health wise and price..there's no place can match it. For corals and frags i have yet to see besides a few online guys that have nice stuff. Stick to trend and give your opinion. It might help all of us....or better yet hobby"..
i have some pictures there a bit old maybe a few months but here they are.
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