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I wanted to share an experiment that i am doing on my skimmer. It is a cs135 on a 75gal tank. I guess it all originated from back when i had a bak pak and i needed to add more air to beef it up. Well i decided to see what happens if i do the same here. What i did was run another airline hose into the intake of the pump, just far enough in to suck up the air. I then routed it so that it sits next to the other one without moving. Here i am showing what i believe is a big improvement in skimmate, at least for me. I am just doing this on my own, so i am not sure what, if any, effect it will have long term on the pump. Some say it can cavitate where it draws so much air that it basically forms a pocket and stops running. This hasn't been an issue for me as the pump is still pumping as usual. So take a look at yourself and let me know what you think.

Pic 1: Here is the airline going in!

Pic 2: Here are the bubbles on the riser!

Pic 3: After cleaning it!

Pic 4: 24Hrs later!

Pic 5: Some of the skimmate i've gotten!

Pic 6: Some more skimmate!

BTW, i replaced the lid with a plate. I always wanted the lid to fall a bit shorter so that the foam would overflow, maybe it's me, but always had an issue with that. Now that the plate is flat and lowered a bit, the foam has no problem making it all the way out. Go figure! This is just my observation, if you try this it's at your own risk. What works for me might not work for others!
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Rating - 97.3%
36   1   0
Cali, thanks. I am actually going to get one of those gauges myself when i order some parts from euroreef.

Twin, i'll have to look around for pics prior to this. What i do know is that it took me almost a week to fill it up completely. And like i mentioned, i had trouble getting the foam to collapse into the cup. As you can see by the new skimmate, i might have to empty it twice in a week now. I know it looks kinda ghetto, but i don't really care, i just need it to be the best it could be!


Rating - 97.3%
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Here is the collection cup less than 48 hrs later. The skimmate still has a nice color to it. Gonna empty it out and measure it again!
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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn / CNY
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Wow took me on and off close to 3 nights to finish reading all the posts in here... :spin:

Going back into the reefing...
So I am starting a 55 mix reef w/ 15 sump. Finished shopping for all the stuff except the skimmer.
Thinking of get the Deltec APF600.
I think I would perfer the Eheim over the Aquabee.
At that price an extra $200 can get the AP701....

So how are those Elos doing? Worthy?
Any new update?

Petorama's DAS EX-2 Skimmer PRICE: $399.99
Very tempting....


Rating - 100%
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Roll the dice and get the DAS ex-2, that price is lower now :mad:

The Elos is now working away in new hampshire, we were just not a good match. It had it's good days but I could not keep the venturi from getting clogged thus stopping production.


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All I can say is WOW! I found this thread via google and you guys are INCREDIBLE!

I am a long ways from manny-hanny (Florida native here), but big props to all of you.

I just learned about DAS skimmers and the photos here were great. Question, though, on the DAS BX-3. I see it's footprint as: 15"x11"x22"

Is that 15" long, 11" wide, 22" tall? I have a 33g long sump and I wonder if I can fit this bad boy in there (it is 48"x13"x12"). replace a little tiny ASM G-2! (90g BB SPS).


Weehawken, NJ
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Welcome dude!!! Yes you are correct on the footprint of the DAS. However the BX3 need a bit more space in front and behins as that is where the intake and output are located. If you calculate 3-4" you will be fine. She will fit quite nicely in the 33g. :D

All I can say is WOW! I found this thread via google and you guys are INCREDIBLE!

I am a long ways from manny-hanny (Florida native here), but big props to all of you.

I just learned about DAS skimmers and the photos here were great. Question, though, on the DAS BX-3. I see it's footprint as: 15"x11"x22"

Is that 15" long, 11" wide, 22" tall? I have a 33g long sump and I wonder if I can fit this bad boy in there (it is 48"x13"x12"). replace a little tiny ASM G-2! (90g BB SPS).


Junior Member
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Welcome dude!!! Yes you are correct on the footprint of the DAS. However the BX3 need a bit more space in front and behins as that is where the intake and output are located. If you calculate 3-4" you will be fine. She will fit quite nicely in the 33g. :D

Oh man, you just made my evening! Now I just need to find a way of hiding the receipt for this thing!

I imagine due to the locking style of the collection cup it does not need very much clearance to remove, correct?

Also, while my tank is currently only a 90g BB SPS, I do have plans to upgrade in the (distant) future. Would this Skimmer be able to handle something like a 230 gallon BB SPS tank?


Weehawken, NJ
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Oh man, you just made my evening! Now I just need to find a way of hiding the receipt for this thing!

I imagine due to the locking style of the collection cup it does not need very much clearance to remove, correct?

Also, while my tank is currently only a 90g BB SPS, I do have plans to upgrade in the (distant) future. Would this Skimmer be able to handle something like a 230 gallon BB SPS tank?

You need maybe half inch clearance to take off the cup. 230g tank is bioload dependant.


Rating - 99%
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Kong, I run a BX-3 on my 120gal but I don't think it is enough for a 230gal. Unless you're going to drop the $$ for a huge deltec or Bubble king, I would go with a Beckett skimmer. No needlewheel recirculating skimmer out there can compete with a properly powered beckett.


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I don't think the BX-3 would handle a heavily stocked 230 either.

I would not use it for anything above 150 gallons.

welcome to manhattan reefs also :)

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