Nice mod Tony I've been wanting to do that. Check out the Euroreef site. They have new impeller assemblies that are supposed to move a lot more air.
I just received my DAS EX-1. I opened it up and the first thing I noticed was that the return tubes were visably used! Now everything was wet because they obviously leak test it before they ship it (which is a good thing) but there is crud and a bit of coraline on the return tubes!!!!!!!!!!
As I unpacked the skimmer I noticed the giant crack spidering out of the side of the skimmer body. They shipped it in a "Electronic Ballast" box with only one pass of the bubble wrap. To make matters worse at 9:29 am I received this e-mail:
"I just wanted to let you know that this product has been shipped and should arrive today.
I was not in the office yesterday and am only here til 10:00 am today. The tracking number
is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. "
Customer Service
Petorama Online
[email protected] "
I think I'm going to call Amex and order a Deltec