So a few people have asked me if I had more info on the Ecoxotic Panorama retro in the 12g nano. I recently added a 3rd all blue module so here are some pics of the canopy.
This is a 12g AP nano and basically you need to strip almost everything out of the OEM canopy. I left the fan, the 3 switches and acrylic splash guard intact. I used 1 of the 3 switches to hot wire the fan so that I can use the existing outlet connector that was for the OEM moonlights. This way I can plug the transformer into my Reefkeeper and control the on/off of the fan with the light cycle.
Stripped canopy with just the fan and switches left intact. Since the canopy has oddly placed screw holes for all the OEM reflector, brackets & ballast, you need to create a stable mounting surface. I bought an 4' aluminum strip from Lowes for $5.79 and cut 3 sections for the 3 Panorama strips. Here you see 2 screwed down for fitment purpose:
To get the holes drilled, just use some kind of marking system. I used acrylic paint that I had just to smudge on the screw holes and then carefully laid the cut aluminum strip down to obtain a marking for drilling purposes:
After they are all marked, I drilled the holes on the aluminum strips:
Here's where I hot wired the OEM fan onto the switch that had controlled the OEM moonlights. Purpose of picking that switch is because it is also wired for an external power transformer that was used with the moonlights. Can't use the transformer for the moonlight to power the fan but finding one in my box of crap was easy enough and it also fit the female plug outlet.
Back to the light mounting

Here is how it looks with the drilled aluminum bracket strips screwed down temporarily so I can dry fit the Panorama strips evenly:
Now I use a sharpie to mark where I need to drill the holes to secure the Panorama strips to the aluminum brackets:
So after I took the aluminum strips off to do the final drilling, here they are back on the canopy ready for the Panorama strips to be mounted:
Strips mounted securely to the canopy via the aluminum brackets:
Add optional moonlights for desired taste:
Canopy reassembled:
Photos showing one light on, then two and finally all three:
Three Ecoxotic 1W Panorama LED strips are probably a bit overkill for a 12g nano but I wanted a blue (453nm) module for a few reasons and didn't want to eliminate an existing 8k module.
So what does it cost? Well 3 Panorama modules at $95 each and the DIY bracket another $6 plus if you don't have an old transformer to power the fan, maybe another $15 from radio Shack. If you add moonlights, then it's whatever they cost. The ones I have are lunar controlled so they ran about $75 when I bought them years ago.