I just wanted to see if anyone here has any insight on the NOOPSYCHE LEDs. From pictures, they really make some incredible POP. Decent amount of people on FB page like them and made the switch from radions. Price is incredible if they truly make some nice POP and growth.
I would make the plunge but I am not 100% sold that this isn't just another chinese product that will go bad in 6 months and I am stuck back where I started.
Most things in this hobby, you get what you pay for.
Not to say there aren't good options for low prices. Reefing on a budget and making it work very well. Plenty of examples of good reef tanks on a budget.
**Do not go on a rant about price, etc. I am looking for people who have owned them and could give better insight on them. I don't care if you own 1k lights and wouldn't trust any light not spending an arm and a leg for. If everyone could have an orphek v4, there would be the next big deal that bumps the price level. **
I appreciate any insight!
I just wanted to see if anyone here has any insight on the NOOPSYCHE LEDs. From pictures, they really make some incredible POP. Decent amount of people on FB page like them and made the switch from radions. Price is incredible if they truly make some nice POP and growth.
I would make the plunge but I am not 100% sold that this isn't just another chinese product that will go bad in 6 months and I am stuck back where I started.
Most things in this hobby, you get what you pay for.
Not to say there aren't good options for low prices. Reefing on a budget and making it work very well. Plenty of examples of good reef tanks on a budget.
**Do not go on a rant about price, etc. I am looking for people who have owned them and could give better insight on them. I don't care if you own 1k lights and wouldn't trust any light not spending an arm and a leg for. If everyone could have an orphek v4, there would be the next big deal that bumps the price level. **
I appreciate any insight!