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I will be setting up a 40g breeder soon and I'm leaning towards LED lighting. Would like to keep a mixed reef with maybe some millies and caps up high on the rock work. I've heard of rapid LED and others for retrofits but I'm not super handy when it comes to electric and would like a nice and clean lighting setup. I know a 40g reef is quite common now and would like some possible recommendations when it comes to quality, affordable 36" led units. Do these actually exist? or do I need to think t-5s or retrofits?

I like the Kessil A150 LED light and I think 2 would work out great for this tank..but at +$250 a peice this can get pricey I think.

Feedback will be gladly appreciated.


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You have to remember the pros about getting LEDs. I would prefer to save up for your tank and get two AI SOLs slightly used or in good condition. I have found them in the 300-350 range. Longer life, more control, and no need for changing the bulbs every 6-8 months which in most cases will bring you close to the LED prices. In the used market, you don't necessarily "get what you paid for." If you happen to know the person, you have a slight up hand knowing the equipment is well cared for.

My AI SOL is definitely worth what I paid for it.

with a 36" tank, from others I read before buying mine. 24x24 is max spread. So you would have to utilize 2 for a 36"
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Hello evoIX_Reefer thanks for the info. I took a look into this company and they do make a great product..but way out of my price range for 2 units. Money is not an issue I just cant imagine spending this much for any unit..even if it cooked me dinner ;).

I thank you for the input and I will evaluate the options as they come. A used unit is a hit or miss but is a definite possibility.

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