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I have a 60 gallon reef tank 3 years old with few problems. Peiodically I have had a cleaner shrimp disappear. I bought 2 new shrimp inaddition to the one I have had for several months. Over a couple days all 3 disappeared ? They did not jump out of tank ? I have 2 possibilities: my 6" hippo tang who frequently eats silversides and I have a 2 1/2 crab, ( hairy and tan color ) who came in on a rock about a year ago. Any input is appreciated,

tks, Jeff


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First one disappeared so I did some research.

They need iodine to molt, shrimp molt. After the molt they are very vulnerable until their shell hardens.

Started adding iodine. ONe molted successfully.

I just lost another. I also lost a damsel. I am now trying to get rid of my brittle star who I believe ate all three.


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I'm sure shrimp need iodine for health, but, yes, adding it like I describe is debated. Some say you don't need any more than what might be found in flake food.

But shrimp and iodine go together, no doubt.

I had a friend who was severly allergic to iodine, and therefore all shellfish.

My mother is allergic to shrimp--sometimes. The doctor said it might be because of the amount of iodine they contain.

I'm new at this, but I'm reading like crazy. It's amazing the amount various experiences out there. I just read a paragraph again today touting the use of serpent and brittle stars for cleaning. NEver mentioning what little monsters those brittle stars are.

I just traded my brittle star back to the store and replaced him with the shrimp I beleive he ate. If I keep loosing shrimp, I'll be back here looking for some help.


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Perhaps you have a pistol shrimp yet to be discovered?

I know that there is alot of false information out there that serves the best interest of whom ever placed it.

I trust Dr. Shimek, an Invertebrate Zoologist, he writes " It is worth noting at this juncture that NO crustacean has ever been documented to need iodine supplementation to molt or, for that matter,for good health. On the contrary, it appears that iodine supplementation will "force" premature molting and eventually kill the animal".


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I am looking for some information on why I am now missing any shrimp or emerald crabs that I put in my tank. I have a 30gal reef tank with no real predator fish in it. I have had it about a year and for the first 8 months or so everything was fine. Recently I have lost all of my shrimp and my emerald crabs. There are never any remains in the tank. I don't hear anything that would indicate a pistol shrimp. I am at a loss. The shrimp that I have lost have beed at least 2 inches in lengt, peppermints, skunks things like that. And the emerald crabs have been varying sizes, but on the smaller side. The water is good, had it tested in numerous places and the tank is kept at 78 degrees. ANY ideas would be appreciated!!!


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Excess Iodine, copper buildup from tap water, and low salinity are the most common causes of losing crustaceans.

How are your snails doing?


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Snails seem to be okay, have lost 2 but the others seem to be good. I am using R.O. water to top off the tank and I am buying salt water at the marine store that I am dealing with when I do my dumps (15% aprox every other week). As I am new to this, is there a good way to test for these things? I have a very basic dip test for the water and haven't found anything wrong. My salinity is kept around 1.026. I have had issues with my zenias and zos. They were all doing well and right about the same time I started loosing shrimp I started having issues with these as well.


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What are you using to test your Salinity? Have you verified the accuracy?

I don't see anything you're doing wrong but losing 2 snails isn't really OK. Snails should live a long time depending on the species. I asked about snails because they are good indicators of tank health.


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I am using an Instant Ocean hydrometer, as far as verifing the accuracy of it.... I have had the marine store check the salinity when they have checked the water for me and they have been getting the same readings that I have. How do you check the Iodine and copper contents in the water? I feel like the answer is staring me in the face and I just can't see it. I really don't want to loose anything else in the tank but I can't seem to find the issue. I have done a couple of 30% dumps since the issue arrose, but that hasn't seemed to make any difference either. I attributed the original losses to the tank temp rising and therefore I got the chiller, now the tank is very consistant in the temp, so I guess that's not it, but obviously something is wrong.

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