My daughter saw an octopus at the local fish store and decided that was the cool creature for our tank (I nixed the shark idea so this was next).
I was wondering how hard is an octopus to keep in a 55 gal tank? I was going to have a reef tank with corals, anemones and some other small fishes, is that still possible if we get an octopus? I don't have that much in the tank right now, just live rock, a clown fish, a blue tang and 2 cleaner shrimp. I was waiting for the tank to mature a little more before I added other things to it.
Any ideas what I could put in the tank with an octopus and what I cannot put in the tank with an octopus? What do I feed it?
I was wondering how hard is an octopus to keep in a 55 gal tank? I was going to have a reef tank with corals, anemones and some other small fishes, is that still possible if we get an octopus? I don't have that much in the tank right now, just live rock, a clown fish, a blue tang and 2 cleaner shrimp. I was waiting for the tank to mature a little more before I added other things to it.
Any ideas what I could put in the tank with an octopus and what I cannot put in the tank with an octopus? What do I feed it?