I have an SPS/LPS tank that I am thinking about adding a clam to. I really would like to try a Maxima. The area I would like to put the clam is just to the right of center, and a maximum of 10 inches from the light. I have several different species of SPS (Acropora, Porites, Seriatopora, Montipora, & Hydnophora) that are growing very well in my tank, and have awesome coloration. What does anyone think about adding a clam? Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Thanks a bunch!
Here is a link to a picture of my tank (the area in question is at the same depth as the large purple Porites, and on the mirror opposite side):
http://reefcentral.com/gallery/showphot ... thecat=500
Thanks a bunch!
Here is a link to a picture of my tank (the area in question is at the same depth as the large purple Porites, and on the mirror opposite side):
http://reefcentral.com/gallery/showphot ... thecat=500