I believe we as reefers need to take a stand and make a conseince decision to never again buy wild collected livestock. I know it's hard when you see that beautiful being in a store and you want it then and now. We just need to step back say no and go looking for something aquacultured. It's hard to find but it's so worth the effort. As long as we keep buying wild collected livestock we are part of the problem. Even if you know it's being collected with low impact you are still supporting an industry that will always encourage raping of the reef. Besides for every single safe collector there are a 100 unsafe uneducated collectors driven on by our bucks. The more we ask stores to stock farm raised livestock, and rufuse to spend our money on wild caught, the further the aquacultered industry will be pushed to develop and expand. Our reefs are declining so quickly that we will lose 50% by 2020. Ok I will step down off my soap box and return to staring at my tank.