Hi all maybe you can help.......the green star polyps i have are on a rock about 3"x2" and started spreading to my live rock.....next to the polyps i had a big rock with green mettallic mushrooms. The GSP about 3 weeks ago started not coming out and now only about 1/2 of them barely come out......what happened?? i have never had problems with these in the past. They were growing nicely.....i did move the mushrooms to another part of the tank. Also right before christmas i bought a beautiful Red open brain with a beautiful green mettalic center.....it was fine for a week and started not coming out right around the same time as the polyps......all the parameters are fine.....i use DI water........the tank is a 6 gallon Nano with 5 lbs of live rock and 5 lbs of live sand.....it has a serpent star and 12 blue legged hermit crabs. Help please........i hate to loose these prize specimens.Thanks