Hi I have a well established 45 gal corner reef tank. I have a varitey
of corals, 2 cleaner shrimp, about 25 snails, glass shrimp, 1 coral
banded shrimp, chromises, 2 damsels, a flame angel, tang, goby and 2
horseshoe crabs. There are also featherdusters, and a good growth of
calurpa. I have an orange linkia star which I have had for 3 months,. He has
been very active and mobile climbing the glass, rocks and occasionally
the substrate. Lately he looks shrunken (thinner all over) and he is
laying on the sand curling his arms in corkscrews. He did this a bit on
the glass as well. I moved him over to the rock fearing that he had lost
strength to cross the sand. This morning he was on the glass and then
later on the sand again curling up. His openings look a bit brownish on
the edges. Do you have any advice? Could he be starving with all the
other "cleaners" in the tank? I have a lot of copopods and bristle worms.
The other tank inhabitants seem to be fine. The soft Corals aren'!
>t doing so well though.
of corals, 2 cleaner shrimp, about 25 snails, glass shrimp, 1 coral
banded shrimp, chromises, 2 damsels, a flame angel, tang, goby and 2
horseshoe crabs. There are also featherdusters, and a good growth of
calurpa. I have an orange linkia star which I have had for 3 months,. He has
been very active and mobile climbing the glass, rocks and occasionally
the substrate. Lately he looks shrunken (thinner all over) and he is
laying on the sand curling his arms in corkscrews. He did this a bit on
the glass as well. I moved him over to the rock fearing that he had lost
strength to cross the sand. This morning he was on the glass and then
later on the sand again curling up. His openings look a bit brownish on
the edges. Do you have any advice? Could he be starving with all the
other "cleaners" in the tank? I have a lot of copopods and bristle worms.
The other tank inhabitants seem to be fine. The soft Corals aren'!
>t doing so well though.