Hi Rob & Company,
I have a Gorgonia sp I believe is probably asymbiotic. I have a copy of Eric's Aquarium Corals, but I cannot tell what genus it may be. I know that pictures are not a reliable way of identifying genus but, it comes closest to looking like the pic. at bottom left on pg 156 of Eric's book.(coloration of the polyps & coenenchyme) However it differs in that a calyx is not apparent. In other words the polyps seem to erupt from the coenenchyme with no visible delineation between the calyx and the anthostele. The polyps appear to completely retract into the coenenchyme. The feel is likened to a dry foam rubber sponge, if that is of any help. The polyps seem to prefer to come out when lights are on and retract when lights are off. Is this any indication of whether it may be symbiotic? Or is it just that this animal normaly feeds during the day? Would that be an indication of what types of plankton it may feed on? (addendum)after posting this I checked my observation , I now believe polyp extension is solely on the basis of sensing food in the water. This morning I checked the tank, no polyps out, then I fed, after about 1/2 Hr. polyps appeared,lights still off.
I have it in a low light area of the tank with what I guestimate to be about 6 to 8 cm a sec flow. I have tried to feed with a variety of foods and cannot state with confidence that it has captured and consumed anything yet.
Let me state for the record that I bought this animal knowing that it's chances of survival were probably bad, however I am confident that it would surely die if left at the dealers or bought by someone because it was pretty. I passed on it for about 5 weeks before I decided to talk to the dealer about it. I did let the dealer know what I thought and convinced them to let me have it below cost and was told they would no longer stock this type of animal.
I have read Rob's current article and am attempting to find further reading.If anyone can point me to more ,I would appreciate it.
I realize you get a lot of "what is this ? " posts and I guess I'm no different. I stand ready any chastisement I may deserve, but any help you can give also.
p.s. I've tried to add some pictures
[ April 16, 2002: Message edited by: PJenkins ]
[ April 24, 2002: Message edited by: PJenkins ]
[ April 24, 2002: Message edited by: PJenkins ]</p>
I have a Gorgonia sp I believe is probably asymbiotic. I have a copy of Eric's Aquarium Corals, but I cannot tell what genus it may be. I know that pictures are not a reliable way of identifying genus but, it comes closest to looking like the pic. at bottom left on pg 156 of Eric's book.(coloration of the polyps & coenenchyme) However it differs in that a calyx is not apparent. In other words the polyps seem to erupt from the coenenchyme with no visible delineation between the calyx and the anthostele. The polyps appear to completely retract into the coenenchyme. The feel is likened to a dry foam rubber sponge, if that is of any help. The polyps seem to prefer to come out when lights are on and retract when lights are off. Is this any indication of whether it may be symbiotic? Or is it just that this animal normaly feeds during the day? Would that be an indication of what types of plankton it may feed on? (addendum)after posting this I checked my observation , I now believe polyp extension is solely on the basis of sensing food in the water. This morning I checked the tank, no polyps out, then I fed, after about 1/2 Hr. polyps appeared,lights still off.
I have it in a low light area of the tank with what I guestimate to be about 6 to 8 cm a sec flow. I have tried to feed with a variety of foods and cannot state with confidence that it has captured and consumed anything yet.
Let me state for the record that I bought this animal knowing that it's chances of survival were probably bad, however I am confident that it would surely die if left at the dealers or bought by someone because it was pretty. I passed on it for about 5 weeks before I decided to talk to the dealer about it. I did let the dealer know what I thought and convinced them to let me have it below cost and was told they would no longer stock this type of animal.
I have read Rob's current article and am attempting to find further reading.If anyone can point me to more ,I would appreciate it.
I realize you get a lot of "what is this ? " posts and I guess I'm no different. I stand ready any chastisement I may deserve, but any help you can give also.
p.s. I've tried to add some pictures
[ April 16, 2002: Message edited by: PJenkins ]
[ April 24, 2002: Message edited by: PJenkins ]
[ April 24, 2002: Message edited by: PJenkins ]</p>